Wholesalers of Dust Masks and Respirators

Our Dust Masks and Respirator selection contains a wide variety of Masks, from brands such as Moldex and JSP.

Our Moldex dust masks come with a respirator valve (SAF8/SAF9)

Also in our Moldex range are the Aibieiki Respirator Masks which now come in Tubs with All the Filters provided. These give protection against Inorganic gas, Vapour and Dust.

We also keep the JSP Force8 Half Mask in stock as well as Filters so suit.

Type 7000 Respiratory Mask (ABEKIP3R)

Ref: 7432

Abeki P3R Pre-Assembled Filters For 9432/7432 Mask

Ref: 9430

Pura Mask 3405 Resp pack of 1

Ref: SAF9

Pura Mask 2405 Resp Pack 3

Ref: SAF8

Pura Mask 2405 Ind Pack of 20

Ref: SAF81P

Type 2365 Ventex Valve Masks pk 20


Pura Mask 2400 Ind Pack 20

Ref: SAF71P

Pura Mask Type 2360 Low Level

Ref: SAF5

Pura Mask 2360 Ind Pack


Foldable Pocket Mask (pack of 10)

Ref: SAF2475

Force 8 ABEK1 P3 F8-713 Comb Cartridge PK2

Ref: SAF37

Moldex Classic Masks 2555, Pack of 5

Ref: SAF3

Compact Mask FFA1P2RD

Ref: SAF82

Compact Mask

Ref: SAF83

Dust Masks (1603) Pk5

Ref: 1603

Pura Mask 3405 Resp pack of 5